Alchemy seminar grade 1: Preparation of a Magistery of Rosemary
With the help of photographic slides we shall build some basic understanding of alchemical principles and techniques.
Subjects included:
Alchemy as a Science in its own right.
The three Philosophical Principles or Essentials (Sulfur, Mercury and Salt).
Solve et Coagula as basic alchemical principle and technique.
Philosophical and Elementary Separation Methods.
Dry and Wet Way.
Distillation, Incineration and Calcination in Alchemy.
Exaltation through Circulation.
In the laboratory a Magistery of Rosemary (Exalted Essence) will be prepared.
The Rosemary will be separated into its three Philosophical Principles, which will then be purified and reunited.
The result obtained will be exalted by Circulation.
The work will include the following steps:
1. The separation of the Volatile Sulfur through an oil separator.
2. The separation of the solid from the liquid parts after oil distillation.
3. The incineration of the solid residue and subsequent Calcination.
4. The extraction of the Sal Salis from the calcined residue and its purification.
5. The evaporation, incineration and subsequent Calcination of the liquid residue.
6. The extraction of the Fixed Sulfur from the calcined material and its purification.
7. The Cohobation of the Three Philosophical Principles.
8. The Exaltation through Circulation.
To highlight the effect of the Circulation, probes of the various in-between incomplete states
will be kept for comparison
Additionally we shall learn about the nature and effect of some classical Indian Ragas, since classical Indian Music is a form of Musical Alchemy.