at Roztez Chateau
near Kutna Hora, Central Bohemia, Czech Republic sponsored by
The alchemy museum in kutna hora and michal pober
In the course of preparing the Museum we decided to give the Hermetic College a brief Sabbatical, after two successful Summer Workshops. Not only do we plan to continue our programmes there in the the Summer of 2003 but also we are seeking sponsorship to buy it. Anyone with a serious interest in helping with this project is invited to contact Michal Pober.
One event that is already in the planning stages is an International Conference related to John Dee, continuing the series of Conferences whichg have already taken place at Birkbeck College in London, in Szeged and in Aarhus.
Dějiny, filosofie, ale také magie a záhady jsou můj velký koníček, kvůli kterému jsem procestoval nejen celé Česko, ale i padesát zemí světa. Doufám, že tenhle seznam ještě rozšířím. Poslední dobou mě také začaly hodně bavit motorky, takže svoje cesty teď podnikám po jedné stopě, jak to jen jde. Nějaký ten pátek už taky bloguji. Snad vás moje texty pobaví, potěší, nebo zaujmou. Proto je píši!
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